Wednesday, December 3, 2008


What is beauty in secondlife? Everyone easily can say what they consider beauty to be in the real world, but when asked the question in referance to SL most have to stop and think about it. How do you reward or praise someone for their beauty in a world where appearance can be purchased? The answer is that you shouldnt treat these people any differently than everyone else. The hard facts of the matter however, are much to the contrary. Just as in the real world we the people place too much emphasis on outward appearances. There are those who say that the way we look in SL indicate our character, but I am one to disagree. All one can really derive from an avitar's appearance is perhaps their interests and how many lindens were spent in the creation of their avitar. too often have good people been overlooked merely on the basis of their appearances. My avitar's shape is a point of pride as I worked very hard to shape him, but I am almost instantly put-off by any person who is interested in me based solely on the way I look. I am a self professed geek and have been known to roleplay in various sims around the grid, so what I am wearing is really only indicative of the character I am playing. But even in such a small coommunity if I am not "pretty" no one pays me any attention. I cannot give a solution to this problem because it is something we all must work on individually in order to overcome this blatant discrimination.

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